May 2008



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May. 20th, 2008


Hey! I'm back

Finals are over! Where is everyone? Is the game still going on?
Please let me know!

Apr. 10th, 2008


I'm taking up Hiatus Status

Sorry to do this, with just coming back. But I have midterms ontop of midterms, then a bunch of papers. Only a brief breather before it becomes Finals week. So the best thing is for me to take a break for a while. If you really need me, I believe you have my e-mail and aim. 

Keep up the great work. Looking forward to the story-lines I'll have to read when I get back!


Apr. 8th, 2008



Hey sorry for the basically being a no show for a while. Have been super, super busy with classes.  I'm assuming that Bastiaan's latest post is open to Maria?  Just wondering.

I hope that you all have been well! :-)

Mar. 14th, 2008


Chat room!

Need suggestions for characters or plot? Want to talk about what's going on? Wondering what's up with other players or just want to hang out? We have a chat room for that!

Use an IRC client or the webchat page at darkmyst, connect to the darkmyst server (
Our chat room is #offthemap.


To the Children of Tortuga!

Jack is coming into port soon in order to collect a new crew and release any of the Dutch that want off the ship.
Bastiaan has been looking to steal a ship for a while now. With so little crew and the ship being small now is the time.

Comment here to help me plot if you have a teenager/ child living on the island and want to assist Bastiaan in his ship stealing.

Feb. 1st, 2008


Plot Outline

Jack finds fountain of youth to be sulfer water
Jack goes after feather of phoenix next

The map, having various crazy shit on it, sort of guides him to the phoenix, but he needs to gain further passage from someone guarding the bird. They only allow access to the phoenix for benevolent purposes so he thinks "hmmm, who's recently died that I can claim this is for--oh yeah, Norrington. :D"
just make it so you can only get to it to "attone for responsibility in an unfair death" or some such

While this is going on- Norrington hitches with Will back and forth between the land of the dead